Sunday, January 26, 2014




 Bonjour, people out there surfing the World Wide Web and CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have just accidentally stumbled upon my freakishly amazing book blog. Well at least I’m telling myself that so that I don’t feel like a complete failure because I’m new to the whole blog thing. I do have a name, but I will not expose this information until I am comfortable about the fact that whatever I am writing is being exposed to all of you people out there. I mean I don’t know who you are and whether or not you can be trusted. I will, however, tell you that I am an 8th grade girl who has a large fascination for books. Anyways from now on I will be sharing my thoughts on books, book series, and their authors with all of you who are reading my blog. I will be rating each book on a scale of 1 to 10, based on how good of a book it is (1 being the worst and 10 being the best). I may also include some of the dates for when new books come out. 
Before I get started I want to say that if any of you people who are reading my blog don’t enjoy reading, I recommend you try to enjoy it. Just trust me with this. Not only has reading made my life more enjoyable, but it has also expanded my imagination and vocabulary, which comes in handy in everyday life. I have also learned to respect authors and their writing. So yaaaa……Just try it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Annabeth I love your introduction! Do not feel like a failure I am sure that you are an awesome person! I can't wait to read all about the books that you comment on because I am ALWAYS looking for something new. I also love your background!

  3. Great advice! I always say that anyone who doesn't enjoy reading just hasn't found the right book yet. :)

  4. Hey Annabeth........................Nice intro! I am looking forward to reading your posts every week. I like to read, but not as much as you seem to like this activity. I am relying on your recommendations on books so don't let me down. Cool fishies!
