Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rick Riordan does it again!!!

          Hello readers! Sorry about the wait for this post. I’ve been very busy for the past 2 weeks because of school work and high school application/placement test/interview business. But I’m baaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk now!!! Anyways, this week I will be talking about Rick Riordan’s second children’s book series, The Heroes of Olympus. This book series is sort of like a continuation of Rick Riordan’s first children’s fiction series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It includes all of the old characters from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, but adds new ones. If you are wondering why Rick Riordan decided to create an entirely new series for stories with the same characters, then just read the next few sentences.

I don’t know why exactly he decided to do that, but I believe it is because these stories are an entirely new adventure with a very different, larger, and more important purpose in mind.
         Anyways, I love the way that Rick Riordan has each chapter in a different character’s perspective. It lets the reader understand how every single main character feels about certain situations. It definitely makes the book much more interesting and it makes the reader want to continue reading because they want to learn in the next chapter how a certain character reacts to a certain situation compared to other characters. (Sorry about that confusing comment, but that was the only way that I could word my thoughts) (I hope it wasn’t too confusing and you still understand what I was trying to say in that sentence) Well, at least that’s always been the case for me when I am reading this series. In fact, I get so absorbed into the book that I end up forgetting that I have homework to do and I still need to eat my dinner. It drives my parents crazy!!! I feel a little bit bad for them. Most parents would encourage their children to read more, but I read too much, and my parents hate it soooo much because when I am sitting/laying on my bed with a good book, I tend to ignore people and everything else, which makes me act rude. Another reason I really like the whole character alternating idea is because when I read other books, I’m always wondering how the other characters feel about what is happening in the story, and my mind feels like there is something missing in the story. However, I don’t feel this way when I read The Heroes of Olympus series. So, that’s a large plus to this series and Riordan’s writing method.

 Although this has nothing to do with the stories and the way Rick Riordan wrote this series, I just wanted to mention that I absolutely love the covers of each book in The Heroes of Olympus series.
Warning for all of you readers out there who haven’t read this series yet: be prepared for a very annoying cliffhanger at the end of The Mark of Athena. When I read The Mark of Athena for the first time, The House of Hades hadn’t come out yet, so I was very impatient to know what happens next. Also be prepared for a lot of surprising reveals in The Mark of Athena and The House of Hades. I won’t mention any of these reveals because I don’t want to spoil anything for anybody who hasn’t read this series yet.

I am super super, super, super, duper excited for when The Blood of Olympus comes out. It comes out on October 7, 2014. I’m too impatient to wait for it to come out. IT MUST COME OUT RIGHT NOW!!! IT MUST!!!   I have heard that The Blood of Olympus is going to be the last book in The Heroes of Olympus series. This makes me both happy and sad because I want to know how everything ends, but then again, this means that there won’t be anything else to wait for. There will be no more suspense and no more books. J L J L

I also think that In The Blood of Olympus , Leo will relocate the island of Ogygia and Calypso using the astrolabe from Odysseus and the crystal from Ogygia. I don’t know why, but this is what I am looking most forward to in the last book. In fact, I’m looking more forward to this than seeing whether or not Gaea is defeated and how. Maybe this is because I adore LOVE stories. But anyways, I’m really excited.  

Anyways, as mentioned in my title, Rick Riordan does it again. He has managed to take the characters from his first children’s series and create an entirely new series of adventures with the most powerful demigods of all time. He has also managed to come up with even more adventure-packed stories for this series.

In my opinion this series is even better than the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It contains more action and suspense, with tinges of love (both issues and happy-moments).

The Lost Hero : 10

The Son of Neptune : 10

The Mark of Athena : 10

The House of Hades : 10

As a closing up remark, I would like to say that if you have not read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, then you should not read this series, otherwise it won’t seem as complete. So read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series before starting this one!!!

Good Bye readers and until next time! J